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10 Health Benefits of bananas

In each banana which contains 1.6g 

proteins, 27.2g 

carbohydrate and 116kcl calories. Its

 increase your body 

metabolisium reaction, fats and help to build your new 

muscles. Shake of milk up to half kg and 4 bananas are 

increase your strength and fats who make your body 

muscular and healthy. It protect our body physically as well

 as mentally so you add at least two bananas per day in your

 diet the most ten health benefits of bananas are following 



  1. 1.    Helps who want to quit smoking.
  2. 2.    Can boost brain power.
  3. 3.    Relives menstrual cramps.
  4. 4.    Reduce itchy mosquito bites.
  5. 5.    Prevents anemia.
  6. 6.    Promotes healthy bones
  7. 7.    Reduce Depression.
  8. 8.    Lower risk of heart diseases and hypertension.
  9. 9.    Regulates bowel movements
  10. 10.  Helps people with ulcer.

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