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How to make your legs muscle

How to make your legs muscle

Barbell or without barbell squats set is most important to make glutes, hips , ligments and bone of your lower body . It also called ‘kings of 
Exercises’ because squats do, like , nothings else and provide a large load of muscle . squats are also do by the powerlifters . squats are one of the best moves you can so as they work a large percentage of your muscle . The main steps for squats(legs Exercise) are :-


Step 1 :- First of all make sure you do this first as you’ll need to be fresh to complete the full set of reps. Then you take load barbell and rest it on the back of your shoulders then take a long breathe and bend your knees until your upper thighs are parallel to the floor
Step 2 :- After that you push up to the start along along the same path but don’t lock your knees at the top of the movement. That of all you take at starting position , For better results, do 10 to 15 reps every sets,  also know that  squats are not recommended 

to be done deeper than knee parallel  and not 

recommended to be done at all to people with such 

joint problems as dysplasia or arthritis .

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