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Shoulder pushups

Shoulder pushups:-

Shoulder pushups are same 

just like as triceps or simple 

pushups. It builds  your front 

shoulder muscles and 

trapizius muscle. Mainly you 

assume a pushup position 

with your elbows locked, but 

tilt your body forward till 

your shoulders 

and head are on the same line. Lower yourself by bending 

your elbows until your head almost touches the floor. Get 

back to the starting position slowly.  It also make your back 

and triceps muscles so up to perform 3 sets of 12 reps for 

each exercise .Rest for 30 second between exercises. Increase 

the reps to around 15 to 20 for your abs and watch your body 

transform and get your best body ever in record time so also 

follow bodyclubs workout plan for better and fast results

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